1. I am running out of somethings!
2. Things are pretty good here! I mean, my life is not perfect, but I am pretty pleased with the way things are going. Even if they are not going, life kind of gets stuck in a rut sometimes...
Life is good.
I get to stay in Belgium, can leave the country and now come back in! Jon is deep in research and his thesis. I am try to respect his study time and it's pretty quiet around our place in the evenings. We've been eating vegetarian and feeling great as a result. We still eat meat, I just haven't prepared it at home since the new year. The sun is starting to set later, and there is still light after 6 p.m. That makes such a huge impact on things. Spring is coming!!!! Really... it's the little things.
3. I've been very sick for over a week. I missed a few days from work last week and spent the weekend on the couch - so I was not one for productivity or conversation/blogversation.
I like the color of the envelope I selected. I pick it up, feel it... Not sure what's inside, but I especially like the drawing.
The drawing is the main reason I chose this something, because of the raft and the blue flag with my initial.
It's my boat! Where am I going? When I was in college I worked on a series of slab constructed canoes for ceramics class. They all had different textures and glazes on them. I had a pretty good body of work going for me at the time. I would like to get back into it some day. (sigh) Boats are my thing. I like the symbolism - cast your cares to the sea and set yourself adrift. Sometimes we encounter rough seas on our voyage, other times it's smooth sailing.
Anyway, let's open this baby up...
"Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn't do than by the ones you did. So, throw off the bowlines, sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. "
Mark Twain
I love this quote.
When I stop and think about things right now, I can honestly say that I have no regrets for the life I am living.
I intend to travel more. I am sad realizing my days here are on the decline. I still have time, but fewer than 180 days.
We are going to Binche, Belgium next Saturday to experience Belgium Carnival and hope to get pelted by oranges. I leave for Amsterdam on Tuesday, and I hope to get to Paris again next month. I love Paris.
When are you going to come see me?